It is that time of the year to start putting the ice fishing gear away and get ready for open water fishing.
Let’s start by taking all your reels off your fishing rods; then take all the line off the reels and apply some good reel oil and hit all the moving parts with a drop. On the fishing rods wipe the blank off and, if you have cork handles, use a Scotch Brite pad and give them a little scrubbing to clean up the cork. Next, run a Q-Tip around the inside of all the guides checking for nicks. If you get any cotton snagged, then you need to replace the guide insert so it won’t fray your line. Now you’re ready to buy new line for your reels. Make sure to choose the appropriate line diameter for the fishing purpose-species type and then reline the reels.
Next you need to get all your tackle organized, so you can find what you need for those quick changes when the bite goes bad. Check over all your lures for rusted or broken hooks and get them replaced with good quality replacements.
Lastly, check over your boat and make sure that the battery terminals are cleaned and they are charged up and holding the charge, if not, now is the time to replace it to avoid disappointment on opening day. Remember to make sure you have the boat plug in a handy spot. Make sure the trailer is good to go as well. Check your tire pressures and wheel bearings. Don’t need any of these surprises on opening day…Go!
Happy fishing! Selective harvest is the way to go. Colin Crawford’s Guide Service, [email protected] website: (715) 891-2715.
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